nilskidoo wrote a new post, Marvin Gaye we beseech thee, on the site non serviam 1 month, 1 week ago
notice: as few apologies for Trump as from him
Trump doesn’t need a private army. With all those months of moving trucks filled of classified docs in circulation at his club and who knows where else, his club […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, in contrast to faith-healers, psychic surgeries and sloth, on the site non serviam 1 month, 1 week ago
Tariffs are not paid by foreign businesses or governments, they are fines pushed onto domestic consumers as punitive measure for the commerce of goods and services to or from said foreign businesses and […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, On not constructing a hell for the permanent containment of god, on the site non serviam 1 month, 1 week ago
“The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, When skull-fucking the fractal theory out of Raoul Duke, on the site non serviam 1 month, 1 week ago
Truth defines itself by its lack of subjectivity, as the natural world exists free from the need to be up for interpretations, or down for praise.
I’m thinking, I doubt human shields really exist as a thing […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, Eternal Damnation will be the cakewalk, on the site non serviam 1 month, 2 weeks ago
This country is full of monsters, the sort who cannot live out their supremacist fantasies unless others are made to suffer and die directly, and those who have no qualms with others being made to suffer and die […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, four-colour'd horsemen of the apocalypse get free parking, on the site non serviam 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Apparently Diamond, the monopoly over comic book distribution in North America for the past several decades has filed bankruptcy. Its leadership tend to share the daddy complexes of MAGA so one can imagine that […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, all hope is false hope, on the site non serviam 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Responsibility is not an as needed thing. When and where are you accountable free of goading, for your crimes or your sins or the edited memories all Americans keep close to the chest as personal truths, for the […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, good free of audience and award is the reprieve from ego and evil, on the site non serviam 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Written in fast response to a recent article from Charlie Warzel in The Atlantic, The End of News. I emailed him a trim version and the full text as well to the letters editor, but knowing both missives are bound […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, the sorrow division, on the site non serviam 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Progress dreams of machines to engage deep learning, to spare itself such unholy labor. In that vein, right-wingers notoriously object to history, but they also struggle with maths.
There lies as of my draft […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, SOS, on the site non serviam 5 months ago
I opposed this society and this culture because everyone could and should stay alive for as long as humanly possible, as everybody deserves the chance to learn shame for the world they contribute to, not the Nth […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, buffalo stance not superhero landing pose, on the site non serviam 5 months ago
Automatic opt-ins are not supply meeting demand, it’s tech CEOs being invasively codependent under the bizarrely acceptable guise that you cannot think for yourself. Every foreign influence scandal makes me […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, not a eulogy for Simone Weil, on the site non serviam 5 months, 1 week ago
If you believe that your brand loyalty is earned and earned to the extent of existing somewhere beyond reproach, verifiably no different from believing that your faith is the one true faith or that your political […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, mechanical electuary, on the site non serviam 5 months, 2 weeks ago
To become entranced, mesmerized and spellbound, to have attentions captured is a big developmental step for the mental world-building of a prepubescent mind in progress. Consider children before their cartoons, […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, the expletive, on the site non serviam 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I realized that in another year, I will be as old as my dad was the last time I saw him.
I’d etched out a draft for an essay, observing how those who saw the insanity of Trump’s ideas for launching missiles at […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, No place to know, no place to speak, on the site non serviam 6 months, 2 weeks ago
If we genuinely want to be educated, to have a culture and society each filled with better than utter nincompoops, if we want the best for future generations, then partisanship has as little place in education as […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, ignis fatuus, on the site non serviam 6 months, 3 weeks ago
In the sense that spirituality is definitively subjective because of its uselessness, so too does political agnosticism accomplish nothing but perpetuation of status quo. Third parties hopeful for an eleventh […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, silentium, on the site non serviam 10 months ago
I would bet that when the time comes, Trump will wait for the last possible moment to announce he will not in fact be choosing a running mate to play his Vice President. That he doesn’t really see a need for a […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, dark life of the soul, on the site non serviam 10 months ago
My mom never initiated attacks on anybody, in regards to anything. She never fought to ostracize anyone. She placed no impossible demands upon family or friends or strangers. If some restaurant messed up her […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, My Sean-nós, on the site non serviam 10 months, 2 weeks ago
I try my damnedest not to contribute to or advance any persuasion of church or state or industry, because the will should never be invoked upon others unless to save a life, as the will exerted upon others is the […]
nilskidoo wrote a new post, come-all-ye's of joie de vivre, on the site non serviam 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Liberal politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Nick Fetterman and Joe Biden endorse DEI because anyone is capable of anything on the one hand, but on the other hand Palestinians are apparently incapable one and all of […]
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