ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Personalienangabe – zu welchem Preis?, on the site ABC Rhineland 6 years, 11 months ago
deutsch – english
Heute um 16.00 Uhr wurde UPI, die am Montag gemeinsam mit zwei weiteren Aktivisti im Hambacher Forst verhaftet wurde, aus der JVA in Köln entlassen, nachdem ihre Familie am […] -
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, 3 Menschen in Haft / 3 PEOPLE IN CUSTODY JAIL, on the site ABC Rhineland 6 years, 12 months ago
deutsch – english
Nach ihrer vorläufigen Festnahme bei dem Polizeieinsatz im Hambacher Forst vom Montag, den 19.März, sitzen drei weitere Personen in Untersuchungshaft.Sie waren gemeinsam mit e […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #4 from UP 2, on the site ABC Rhineland 6 years, 12 months ago
15th of March 2018, JVA Cologne
It’s half past eight, and I just arrived to the office again. Facing the white paper, and feeling it’s hard to find the words. It’s been quite a day, but […] -
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Rest in Power Anna, on the site ABC Rhineland 6 years, 12 months ago
deutsch – english
Übesetzung vom abc Dresden
Unsere Herzen sind heute mit Traurigkeit erfüllt, da wir dieses Wochenende vom Tod unserer Freundin und Gefährtin Anna Campbell erfuhren.Anna be […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #5 from UP3, on the site ABC Rhineland 6 years, 12 months ago
So we were pretty scared, last night, because UP1 had been taken to a whole bunch of hospitals during the day. They took a lot of pictures of different parts of her body, radio graphics of […] -
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Einige Gedanken zu Personalienverweigerung im Knast, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
PDF: PV-UPHambi5
„Das hier bei uns ist ein geben und nehmen. Du sagst uns deinen Namen und dann bekommst du einen Stift.“Mit solchen Worten wurde ich begrüßt in der JVA Köln Ossend […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, PM zum Hambi4 Prozess, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Prozess in Kerpen gegen Hambach-Aktive – „The mine is not a sandpit.“Kerpen, 13. März 2018. Seit einer Barrikadenräumung im Hambacher Forst am 22.Januar sitzen vier Personen in Unter […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Letter #2 from UP2, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Latest Prison Demo 1st of March 2018
Hello!This last Friday afternoon we were not allowed to go to the hobbie-room or to do Umschluss (going to another cell) and I was in my cell when […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, #3: Balance Of The First 5 Weeks – from UP2, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
3th of March 2018, JVA Cologne
One month and one week locked up in Köln’s prison.Many times I would have sworn and complained about how slow time goes on in prison. And it does. But it […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #4 from UP3, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
March 2018, JVA Cologne
Had I known that we would have to stay in prison for more than 8 weeks since the beginning, I would have probably have given my ID. But now I’m glad I didn’t. It tau […] -
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #5 from UP1, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
4th of March 2018, JVA Cologne
Hey people,thank you all for being there the last two Fridays at the court, it was great to see and hear you, the first one, I heard you playing Bella Ciao […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Hambi4 Prozess, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Prozesstermin zu den Hambi4, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Am 15. März 2018 ab 14 Uhr wird vor dem Amtsgericht Kerpen gegen vier der Hambi9 verhandelt. Solidarische Prozessbesucher*innen sind herzlich willkommen!Der Tatvorwurf lautet Widerstand […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #3 from UP3 about the "Haftprüfung", on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
23th of February 2018, JVA Cologne, day of the Haftprüfung
Hey you all!I’m really sorry we couldn’t make it to the vegan pizza party*… Next time, I promise!
So here are some things th […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letter #2 and poem from UP 3, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
poem – letter
14th of February 2018, JVA Cologne
Today, I cryToday, for the first time in more than three weeks, I cry.
Today, we learned that our judge is voluntary making stuff going as slow as […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Ergebnis Haftprüfungen, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Am Freitag, den 23. Februar 2018, fand vor dem Amtsgericht Kerpen die Haftprüfungen der UP 1, UP 3 und UP 11 statt. Die Haftbefehle werden weiterhin aufrecht erhalten. Es sind weiterhin vier […] -
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, letters from UP 1, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
#3 – #4
From the 7th of February, JVA Cologne
Hi you all great Mikes!I have to say that usually the moment when I get letters is the best of the day! Also because it’s the same moment that UP 3 comes […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, [Hambi 9] Gedicht, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Die Tür
Grau, so ist sie anzuschauen
nur durch den metallenen Glanz
zu trennen von der Wand
den Wänden, die mich umgeben
verbergen alles andere LebenErst auf dem zweiten B […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, Haftprüfungstermine am Freitag, den 23.Februar, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
Am morgigen Freitag, den 23. Februar 2018, sind ab 12Uhr insgesamt drei Haftprüfungstermine vor dem AG Kerpen für drei der vier noch inhaftierten Hambi9 angesetzt.Treffpunkt: 12Uhr, A […]
ABC Rhineland wrote a new post, [Hambi 9]Briefe von den freigelassenen / letters from the released, on the site ABC Rhineland 7 years ago
UP 8 en – UP 6 en – UP 9 en – UP 4 en – UP 4 de
UP 8 en
Recieved after their release. From JVA Aachen.
Hello Friends!Thank you for the letters you have sent. It surprises me how it made me happy.
So […]
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